Photo Description part 2 by Helnwein

1) It changes my interpretation of the image because i now know more about what the artist was trying to convey and show in the image and i also know more about the image itself. 

2) I see the full face of the little girl and the expression on her face that she is showing. I see more detail of the image that i did before like i see the guy is in a working environment. i see trucks and a road and even another guy walking up the photo of the girl. The girl has a straight face and maybe even shows a little sadness. The size affects the image because if your only see part of the photo, you don't get the full meaning of the picture itself because you only see part of it. If you see the full photo, you understand and capture the full meaning of the image. I feel this image is a contiguous image because it all has a common emotion which is sadness.

3) I feel the image is located in a industrial area because it seems like they are in a old construction area in the city because there is graffiti in the area and it looks old and beaten down. I feel the type of people that would see this is people who work in those construction areas or who also live near those types of places. The audience is the people who like that type of artistry and the people who work or live near that place. The mood of the image i feel is either sadness or in better words depression because her face just has a blank, saddened expression on her face.

4)  The title suggests her maybe being the last girl in her family or last girl where she is living because that contributes to the theme of the piece. She looks lonely and sad in the image.
