narrative story project


  1. i like this photo because the story is clear and it looks like you spent time on the details.

  2. I really like this photo because the person's face is hidden which is telling the story, and I really like how you edited it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think this image really tells a story. This is a scenario that sadly occurs a lot in todays world. You are told he is in this position since he lost his job and can assume he will be asking for help along busy roads. The colors complement the image really well and it is in focus. Over all I think this image really worked.

  5. I like the composition in the picture and the sign you used. The outfit on the model also enhances the picture. The picture convey that this person lost her house and job. she's devastated and desperate to make some money. I wouldn't change anything to the picture.

  6. i like how this photo actually doe tell a story. good work!!


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