Letter to past self

Dear Past Self,

    Some tips in order to be successful in the Creative Photography class is to make time to take pictures for your photography class. I have learned that once you make time to take them, your projects come out a lot more accurate and successful. You also, when taking photos, have to take a lot more than just 10 and under. The more photos you have, the more of a variety you have to choose from. Now, when i take photos, i usually take the needed amount which is usually 20 or more because it will give you more options to choose from for your project that you are doing. You also don't have to take a lot of photos of just one thing at the same angle. If you take pictures of different things at different angles that you will like to use  for the project, then this will help you have more options and brain storm even more ideas that you will like to use for the project. Also another tip is don't wait until last minute to take pictures for the project and fully understand the project before you take photos of what you think the project is about. I have learned that it this won't give you the accurate pictures that you need for your project and it won't have your project come out the way you wanted it.

triptics project

Blue project
