Photography reflection

    The quality of my work i feel has a good amount of effort put into it because i work hard in order to get a good grade on my projects. I feel like i would put more effort into my work if i was more familiar with photoshop.  My best project so far this year was the triptics because even though it was a lot of work, i feel i put the amount of effort that i needed to put in it. I always took my time on the projects because i'm either working on a previous project or im confused on how to do that project that was assigned. Paying attention to how to do the assignments is my weakest point because i feel its for me hard to follow. I feel its a lot to take in for just one assignment, but if i have a one on one with the teacher then i would understand it better and therefore do the project the right way. I try to follow the project's proper format so i know how to make the project look presentable and complete it on time. Otherwise I'm good on completing projects on time, i only forgot to post one of them to my blog which was the 3 doors project. One thing that im proud of this year is expanding my first ideas and making them more creative and imaginative. When im actively taking photos I try to get the lighting down to make the images more bold. I try and put all the time and effort into my work in photography class. It's hard to put some time into them when im working on them outside of school because im busy so thats why they might not look the best when i try and edit them during school. I shoot the required amount of photos because i either don't have time to shoot more or i feel there shouldn't be anymore photos needed. I avoid photographic ideas if they are hard but if they look simple or easier to do, then i would definitely try them out. Otherwise i dont have time for the ones that need the most amount of effort put into them. If a shot is hard to get, i try and get the closest to that shot as possible so this way i have a look alike. I try and get creative in my work so i get the full effect and boldness of the project. Photography helps me use my imaginative side that i can't really use in any other class. I do a positive attitude toward other people's work and their feedback because when i look at other's peoples work i get more ideas about what i can do and use for my next projects. When i get other people's feedback, it helps me see what i can improve on in my work for the next projects. I also do as well have a positive attitude toward my work and images because if they come out great of course im going to want to show them and share it with other people but if they came out bad or not the best, then i wouldn't want to share. I get to class on time and start my work when i get in so i can see what im gonna do and process it. I could use a little bit more participation in class but otherwise i get my projects done on time. I try to stay on task when needed to be but otherwise i work and even talk a little bit in order to get my work done. I could definitely improve a little bit more on my projects in photography. I struggled in the beginning of the semester because i haven't used photoshop since the sixth grade so i was unfamiliar at first with everything. I need to have more confidence in my work and take the time out to make them more compelling. If i do this, i will definitely have more sufficient projects. Next semester i will work even harder to put effort in my projects and get higher grades on them:).
